Here’s the real it all came about...
Late '06...into '07...
Sir Richard Branson seeks an inroad to doing business in the USA.
Algore needs something to do.
Branson goes Billionaire EnviroMentalist and announces The Virgin Earth Challenge with Algore as a judge.
Virgin Earth states Algore's credentials..."The leading advocate for confronting the threat of global warming...for thirty years".
From this point ( September ’07 ), through the ensuing months of hype, until right now, we have been inundated by FREE promo for Algore's every whim, establishing his Eco Voice as one of great value in The Future.
Branson, the consummate shill, took a worn out ol' Pol and got him an Oscar, The Nobel, and Future Global Importance.
That's Representation Extraordinaire.
Sir Richard, capitalizing on his newfound support, has progressed rapidly from lying to House Sub Committees in pursuit of sweet deals, through developing his US presence via Virgin America and at Spaceport America, Upham, NM.
Space Tourism, Virgin’s original premise for SpacePort America, isn’t going well in these uncertain financial times.
Will Whitehorn, Virgin Galactic Chief, recently announced that his operation will adapt and go into the extremely profitable, and hugely beneficial to Virgin, Telecom Satellite launch business.
When the dust settles, Sir Richard and his Virgin Group Investors will be launching cheap telecommunications satellites.
Which will beam Algore's message around The Globe.
They have us right where they want us.
But, have no fear, Virgin remains concerned about all things Eco/Enviro.
Whitehorn has dealt with the issue, proving Virgin’s deep concern for our extended environment, by stating that..."polluting Space is extremely difficult...the worst we can do is leave behind debris...".
What a bunch!
Sounds to me like biznis as usual.
Whitehorn’s statement seems like a may be difficult to pollute space...but we can do it...!
Everyone knows Sir Richard loves to take on extremely difficult challenges.
I bet these clowns are up to the task.
Algore dutifully laid the groundwork.
Virgin, with Branson's notoriety for instant flash, has big media clout.
Big media clout can pollute anything if given the opportunity.
Look what they’ve done with our minds!
I began my online commentary RE The Climate Crisis within minutes of hearing that Algore and Sir Richard had teamed up to Save the Earth.
It was obvious from day one that the Branson/Gore association would lead to one thing...profits for Branson/Gore.
The scope of this so-called Climate Crisis amazes me.
It has definitely hit the guilt/fear nerve dead on.
For better, or worse, these guys opened Pandora's Box.
The Climate Crisis has enabled millions of people to overcome their feelings of helplessness about so many things, providing sudden personal empowerment in the "We Can Save the Earth" racket.
We can’t stop terrorism, comets from space, or fast mutating viral pandemics.
But, with some belt tightening, conservation, and close attention to Algore’s advice, we can alter Earth's Climate, and save only the parts that we like.
"We have the power here. Just do as I say. I've been leading the charge for decades.", quothe Algore...via Branson...
Here we sit.
My early awareness of this situation comes from being a competitor with Sir Richard in The New Space Race since the earliest days of the Civilian Space Boom...know your opposition.
Algore came with the territory...what a find!
To follow the story as written...real time comments on the events of any given day during the recent Crisis Development here...
stay tuned...
here's the latest here copy/paste